O Great, Benevolent and Compassionate One, support a worthy cause, click or contribute your share by boosting the economy! Or pity me, and click just to feed me. *puppy eyes*
This blog is just a space for my personal opinions and does not necessarily reflect that of others' or the views of the school, company or any other people associated with me in whatever manner. If you disagree on me about anything kindly do so in a polite manner expected or I will set my minions on you. Don't rip without the authoress's permission.
Please leave at your discretion, especially if you possess a sensitve temperament, or object to the contents of this blog. Any unnamed persons or circumstances in rants may not necessarily refer to you, and assumptions are highly unreliable in any judical system(s). You are once again reminded that you are reading this blog on your own free will and the authoress is not liable for damages made to your person, property or anything in association with you.
Author's note: most of the links are dysfunctional cos *some* of the idiotsgeniuses keep changing their blog addresses and my laziness prevails, so I did not update.
So, if you want your link to be updated, PLEASE DO NOT KEEP CHANGING THE CONFOUNDED LINK!IT IS A DAMN PAIN TO KEEP UPDATING!*breathes heavily**pant pant*Thank you.