Tagboard unusually silent
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Yes, the tagboard's silent. What a HUGE difference compared to the days when our dear anon was still spamming.
I almost want it to be noisy again. NOT.
But please la, I never, ever dreamt that one day I'm will say this, but TAG, GIVE YOUR OPINIONS, don't sit down there like lazy buffoons and read on while I do the work.
So far, I'm still procrastinating on homework as per normal. Which explains why I'm hurrying to do it now.
I think DnT is the most retarded thing ever. Are they trying to teach us how to be factory workers or manufacturers? What merit do we gain by learning how to work those ancient machines, full of rust (and maybe) dried blood due to some unfortunate accident?
I thought its only those that are in normal tech that do these workshops, but I must say that I'm startled to find out how wrong I am.
They should make this optional. I have no intention whatsoever to learn something that might not make me:
a) supremely famous and rich
b) help me in business endeavours or
c) sue that irritating neighbour who likes to (sometimes) karaoke till midnight, thus causing me and/or others to LOSE MY BEAUTY SLEEP.
However, if it is drawing fashion or digital arts, perhaps I'll be MORE interested...
I mean Fashion (designing dresses) is WAAY better then staring at a lump of wood, handling acrylic dust which might poison you, or trying to crave a perfect round wheel. If I get to sit down in an air-conditioned room and draw fashion designs(I'll get someone to sew it, my sewing is TERRIBLE) it'll be so
shuang can?
I'd rather swap those dumb ass lessons for IT lessons. The should teach us advanced photoshop or flash. Till then I am quite powerless to shape someone's face into that of a monster's.
They could teach us Javascript and advanced programming. It'll be GREAT if we can learn how to make computer games.
But noo, instead of that, they chose to stick us in a dusty workshop with stone and cement floors equipped with machinery that looks like it belonged to the 18th century. What if some people have dust allergies and dies in there? It's THAT dirty, mind you. The tabletops are so coated with dust, it looks like a black cloth is draped over it. I think I once saw a cobweb hanging inside of a machine. I'm sure that the dust would be able to powder a geisha's face for one month.
If they want us to learn design and technology, why stick us in such a low-tech place? The only computer is outdated, the keyboard is bulky, the monitor looks like a stone wall, and the machines, instead of the prefect shiny lethal metal beasts you expect, they are coated with rust and faded blue paint. It seriously looked like an antique from the Victorian times.
There's not even a proper whiteboard! Hmm, are still fresh from the war, with no money to buy whiteboard? There's a chalkboard, a relic of the old times when students sat on the floor with dirty, rugged clothes and smudges faces, while the teacher scribbles on it using a chalk!
Please, even in engineering they are using modern day technology with sophisticated PCs and programming language! Even if we are taught this meaningless junk, we can't even apply it in the industry!
Now, reading back my description, I think that it's rather akin to the past.
I can't believe that there are still such classrooms in Singapore. Our economy is booming! Instead of giving the GST to fund the PM's salary, why don't we use it to renovate schools until they are up to standard?
Surely we can put off those schools of the future, and instead, bloody bring them all up to standard? Then we can focus on having a IT school.
If I were the minister of education, (which is so obvious I am currently NOT, or teachers will not be able to abuse their power of giving out detention slips for every trivial little thing that cannot be helped) I would be more organised and plan carefully.
I shouldn't bother will trivialities like P.E., and shall make PFT optional. God, these people are narcissistic enough to know not to get obese and ugly. P.E. is nothing but a nuisance.
After which, I will take over the world. Mwahahahaha.....(Inside joke)
Okay, now that joke's cliched. But how nice that will be. I think I shall allow Kira to rule under me.
Reading back the last few lines, I finally realise how horribly insane I sound.
That's right, I'm insane. The homework did me in! Now, I'm sure, you are more aware of the evilness of homework.
In fact, EVERY student that should have realised this by then. If you like homework, you are very much welcome to do my Geography worksheet.
Oh right. I've been too absorbed in homework to complain about the cross-country run.
At the beginning of the infuriating circular said that it was for us to be more health conscious!
Be more health conscious! Can't believe their boldness! YOU want us to run a bloody long distance just for the sake of delivering this bloody message?!
Jeez, can't they give out collar pins or bookmarks or SOMETHING, instead of making us run that
%$#?*%!{/)^$ distance?
Instead, they chose the heavy approach, the approach which may cause rebellion to stir from the vestiges of our young and valiant hearts!
Stupid run. What's so good about running? It does nothing to improve the situation! In war, instead of using brute force, why don't you use a little innate something in you called schemes or intellect, and win?
They should have fun games in air-conditioned rooms with complimentary refreshments and the option for pupils to sit in plush chairs to read or talk if they don't want to exercise.
Exercise is just one part of keeping yourself from being ill. Think of it this way: If you don't read books, or have intellectual conversations with acquaintances, how would you know how to better protect yourself from illness?
No matter how much one exercises, one will, one way or the other, inadvertently fall ill. If there's no one to read books or study, then who will find the cure for cancer? The cure for Bird Flu? Will God be so kind to have a cure magically appearing in front of the patient? I think not!
Not drunk, but angry. 'Angry' to put it mildly, it is too insignificant to express my rage.
Here, I bid adieu before I shoot any potentially damaging sentences.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 3:02 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Why does everyone copy that damn poem from my blog??
Okay, technically,
1) I don't have a right to complain 'cause that poem AIN'T MINE, but I did ask the author
2) They DID credit me
I feel like someone had whipped out a dagger and took an donated organ out of my body!
I just
had to blog about that right?
Well, at least that shows there are people who read my meaningless rants regularly, even if it is a small consolation.
But still!! Sigh.
Well, my mood is somewhat between agony and happy today.
BAD THING NO.1: I woke up with aching biceps and my abdominal muscles
hurt. I must have overexerted myself yesterday during P.E. when doing inclined pull-ups and sit-up.(did 15? inclined pull-ups and 31 sit-ups. Or was it 32 sit-ups? Shit, my memory is getting worse by day...I hate to imagine my situation when I'm 70+.) Gee, I sound like an old woman. Well, either I'm aging prematurely, or I had not done exercises for a long time and my muscles aren't used to it.
BAD THING NO.2: There's a science test. At the end of it, I discovered that I had completely forgotten oscillations were tested, and those cheem stuff I've been memorising for HOURS (like the definition of a meter, the answer is that it is the distance travelled by light in a vacuum at 1/299 792 458 of a second.)
Wow. I can't believe that I actually managed to remember the exact numbers.
BAD THING NO.3: The dyslexia-suffering yang meh made us do a stupid descriptive passage about a bloody garden after the rain in the succinct time of ten minutes.
Very generous with time, is she not?
GOOD THING : It rained.
What's so good about raining, you ask.
Well, it made the stubborn sadist teachers postpone the 2.4 km run. YEEES!
*imitates advertisement* CHEERS! To every little good thing in life.
Xinyi's birthday!!!
Those who are Taonannites, and know who Xinyi is, wish her a happy birthday today!!!
Oh no! I forgot to purchase one.
Sorry Xinyi... I totally blanked out today. I'll give you the present when I see you the next time, okay?
Hmm...what should I give you...perhaps something
Oh yeah...Now you like pink. Ew. Gross.
Well I guess I can use the chopsticks to pick it up and sanitarize my hands.
To those who don't already know, I'm an anti-pink person, so I try to keep away from that color as much as possible.
Unfortunately, some git with little to no brains drilled into the gril's clothes designer that all girls like pink.
And another idiot decided that blue was the 'boy' color.
They should design clothes that are cheap, somewhat sexy(not until the bikini standard), in nice shades of blue or black, attractive, somewhat mature, suitable for girls between the tomboy standard and sickening girly standard.
I think I should change my spectacles.
Nowadays, I've becoming alarmingly aware of the shocking resemblence (however little that may be) between me and Sharon.
That's it. I want to wear frameless spectacles like Kyoya!
Maybe I should either
a) get darker skin
b) whiten my skin or
c) learn how to look more evil.
It would VERY much help if I could grow taller as well. My height as of the moment does not meet my sastifaction.
Urgh. I hate being short.
If I were tall, stunning, elegant and lean, with intellect equal to einstein and excellent at playing the flute or chinese dance...well, that'll be perfect.
Who doesn't want to be prettier or smarter?
My only real ability lies in sarcasm, being arrogant and a normal person.
Okay, let's strike off the 'being arrogant' part so as to make me feel better about myself.
LNF's girlfriend just asked me another of her more retarded questions. Actually, she's qite smart, but she does have her moments.
Oh well. I have to go now and get my sleep.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 9:09 PM
Class tee
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yes, now 1 hm is OFFICIALLY getting a class tee =)
The font color is the dreaded
Kindly note that it was not the girls who voted for pink it was the boys, strange this may sound. Yees, I'm
anti-pink and proud of it, sire!
Why oh why can't it be blue?
Of all colours it had to be pink.
Although it will be better then say, neon green or yellow. *blanches at the thought*
The front looks very toot, no offence to the designer and those who picked out the current design. But really! It looks like a marathon runner's tee!
It is like this:
YOUR NAME (emoticon)
Please pardon the bad drawing.
It's so bloody simple, and the horrible font color stands out like....like blood on fresh snow...
I think the 1 HM blue design is way better. Plus the 'moving together' slogan sounds....I don't know, trying too hard to impress? I can see the 假意 of it all. However, the 'light to the world' or something along those line (I can only remember the words 'light to') is rather...I can't describe the feeling, but I think they should have put 'shadow behind the night' but it sounds too evil, besides, who wants to be known as to be from an obnoxious class?
I'm contradicting myself here. Ignore the 'light to the world' comment.
I'm not doing my homework again, I have geography tomorrow, and was about to take it out to do when I realised I left it in school. AGAIN.
Speaking of Geography, I think it is the most demented and spastic subject EVER. I have no intention to be a geologist so I don't see why I must take it. The MOE should really let us have the option of dropping it if we want to.
Anyway, I have been more forgetful then usual lately. I had once again forgot to let my parents sign the geography excursion form, which was supposed to be handed in TODAY.
Poor Clariene. I should be more careful and stop letting her chase after me. Besides, it's embarrassing.
Anyway I don't get why schools, in so called 'consent forms' give the option to the parents wheter the child is permitted to go or not. If it is so clearly stated must go, why leave an option? Is is mandatory?
Somebody please kill me.
Thank God for my good comprehension skills.
She came up and asked me, do you know what day is tmr?
Well, admittedly it was obvious, but its till a gamble.
I'm such an ungrateful bitch...I cannot believe that I forgot it after all that she's done for me.
Why can't my memory be BETTER?!
Magick de minuit fonce @ 3:37 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Note: This post may offend some people, so reading is not advised. The authoress will not be held responsible should anything happen. This is merely my own opinion, I'm not forcing it on you. By continuing, you are agreeing not to be offended by the contents and not harassing the authoress in any way.I don't get what's so cool about being 'emo'.
Since the definition for 'emo' is "short form for the word emotional", I don't get why it's cool.
I mean, what's so cool about exposing your innermost thoughts, let it be clearly displayed on your face? What exactly is the appeal of being dark and abused?
Are you trying to be a marysue? Or are you simply trying to gain attention?
Have you ever truly felt what it is like to be miserable, to be the one stepped on, treated like dirt? Oh sure, we want what we can't have right? If we possess something, we want more of it. What merit do you get from being emo?
Oh, it's probably all the popular girls or guys trying to be cooler then they are already. They haven't felt what it is like to be miserable, to dread everyday, so they thought it would be 'cool' and great to pretend to be the abused damsel in distress.
Please DON'T be emo if you are truly aren't. If you aren't treated like you are the scum of society, if you aren't treated like the pile of excrement, then please don't act like you do.
Do you think being miserable is fun? All dark and brooding?
You don't know that feeling, as if a heavy cursed anchor is sinking deep into your being, your very soul, slowly taking away all that is precious to you, turning the presents in your arms into poison. You don't know the feeling of depression, of silence, when you desperately want someone to truly befriend you, and they laugh. You don't know the feeling of slowly being dragged from earth until you reach the condemning depths of hell.
You don't know the misery of secrets, the loneliness of no one to accompany you save for your true friends, who you seek for comfort for a mere half an hour. You won't know that feeling of anguish, that pain in your chest when you find out about a betrayal, the bitter tears shed. You won't know of being cut off from everything, till the only thing that keeps you weakly fighting is sheer will, determination, that thin, fragile lone ray of sunlight.
So you think 'emo' is fun? You won't have a choice when despair falls upon you.
If I were so called 'emo' I will hide my feelings and build up walls to protect. I won't go about telling everyone proudly that I'm emo.
Sometimes when you hold a precious treasure in your arms, you won't recognise it until it's taken away from you. Are you so tired of happiness that you've begun your deadly search for misery? Are you doing it for the sake of being 'cool'?
Please, don't give me your disgusting, so called act 'emo' poems or msn nick-names. I can see the fakeness behind it all, the stupidity. It is congealing, like slime, undesirable.
Instead of trying to appear 'cool' and make another false persona, why don't you just be yourself?
Do you seriously think cutting your flesh and letting blood spill is good? Sure, let's all get infections, blood loss and unsightly scars! Let's all scribble 'emo' lines to show everyone how desperate and pathetic we are!
I have no objections whatsoever to those who are truly miserable. I am only addressing the fakers.
Just be yourself. I do not see any need to fit into any group, because, after all, that persona might one day shatter or weaken, when you aren't able to hold it up. You can't bluff people all the time.
This concludes my post about 'emo'tism. Comments are welcome, as I said earlier, I'm not trying to force my opinion down your throats, you can disagree politely. If you are offended in any way, please know that I did not mean it in that sense. Thank you.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 9:34 PM
Compositions and essays
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Authoress' note: The below content might contain offending material. By choosing to ignore this warning and proceed, you thereby agree not to take offence. The authoress accepts no responsibility for bruised egos, lowered confidence, anger and other reasons. Thank you and have a nice day. Today Ms. Yew FINALLY gave us back our essays.
I was eager until I saw the marks.
Then, I proceeded to shoot my stupid mouth off without checking.
"22/30? So low!"
I continued in this vein for 5 minutes, until someone kindly interrupted me and told me that the mark range was 12-20.5 marks and to get 22, was of course, exceptional.
I stood there, frozen, well aware of the murderous thoughts around me. I could only 'oh', weakly and stupidly.
Me and my big mouth. Shit, they probably think I'm a show-off or being very sarcastic.
I should really learn to stop shooting my mouth off before it causes damage.
As you could very well imagine, I was
horrified to see a 'see me' scrawled across the bottom of my paper, red standing out clearly against the white composition paper.
Apparently she thought that 2 parts were illogical, but after I argued my case, she shrugged and agreed.
I was in a rather bad mood during the last period when we were preparing to go home as I had not known I had to hand in bloody essay corrections BY TODAY. So no choice lor. RUSH!
One of the things I hate is people appearing cheerful and annoying when I'm busy and miserable.
Sharon, by some fit of misguided insanity, decided to approach the low-blood pressure demoness that was me and call me name in such a cheerful, high pitched tone. I didn't even listen to her request, I growled a 'no.'
Most people by this time would have picked up their skirts (or whatever) and run far, far away. Instead, she chose to reason with me(I can get VERY unreasonable and sarcastic when I'm busy and miserable) and pause me in my writing.
After I exclaimed two or more profanities, she gave up and approached Hui ting to help her bring the stack of papers to Ms Yew's locker.
Ah well. Problem solved.
Another reason why I was pised was that yang meh made us listen to a VERY old and horrible drama song about this wang zhao jun, then write a descriptive passage about her. Though my english is defintely better, my chinese, unfortunately, is awful.
After doing some research, I only understood that she was one of the Four Great Beauties of ancient China. The rest? Copy and paste, duh!
So right now I'm slouching in my office chair, typing this pointless blog entry.
Yeah....I think I'm done babbling.
Maybe not?
Ok, I'm done.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 9:11 PM
Steven Lim SUCKS
Friday, July 20, 2007
Not that I'm a flamer, (unlike some of you unthinking bastards out there) or a straight, blind xiaxue supporter (I agree her writing is excellent but I sometimes find her albeit unreasonable) but I HAVE to agree with xiaxue that Steven Lim sucks.
Clink here to go to his website .
Allow the authoress to run a commentary of his website. You are advised to keep your speakers unplugged when you enter.
What first commands your attention is that disgusting vomit-like shade of yellow (I hate that colour)
The plain text banner that....erm...decorates the first part of his website is
Welcome to The World's Most Handsome Guy Official Fan Web/Blog!!!!! "宇宙大帅哥"博客
Quoted from his website, word-for-word.
The title already suggests that he is of a egotistic character. He is supposedly the "most handsome guy in USA (Or rather, Upper Serangoon Avenue).
Following the banner, bright eye-piercing words scream:
Steven Lim alias Dragon"- Ex-Street Eyebrows Stylist In Singapore
N Yellow Swimming Trunks Stripper in SG Idol!
Singapore's famous hunky star/ model!
In smaller words, the latest( badly written in horrible English) entry read:
Back from very beautiful Shanghai! Looking for a girlfriend, no matter you are black, white or orange. As long you r pretty, nice, faithful n gorgeous & gorgeous. Dun hesitate to adopt me. Application to be my girlfriend/stead now open! Whilst stock last! Call/ sms +(65)93857300 to apply now. Tell all your friends about it! (see below videos for more info)
Pictures of his face could be viewed posted EVERYWHERE.
Under a rather large photo of him was a little video, which he illustrates his trip to Shanghai (That was all I was able to make out from his incomprehensible sentences) and after which, people, I warn you, kindly plug out your speakers. It may cause early hearing loss, nightmares, severe brain trauma, and nausea.
I think he must be singing in Chinese (in one of his you tube videos, he insisted that Wendy use Chinese instead and implied that his Chinese was very good. I was rather (not) surprised to find that his Chinese was bottom line shit as well, worse then my ang moh uncle's.
Scrolling down, you find that he describes his singing as 'amazing'. That goes to show that personal opinions could be vastly inaccurate, particularly if it's not done in a joking and / or sarcastic manner (like me).
The descriptions are directly taken and quoted from the amazing Steven Lim's website itself.
Steven's amazing Michael Jackson's looking for girlfriend dance video (Move your mouse over to play)
Direct Link: http://www.stevenlim.net/BillieJean.wmv
Steven's amazing beatbox singing (Move your mouse over to play)
Steven dances to Chicken Little Dance Song
Steven Lim's special effect Kung Fu Video
Steven Lim takes you on an exciting ride on his Kawasaki Ninja ZXR 400.
The authoress's commentary ends here, and the scathing comments begin.
I don't see why Steven should hate Wendy so much. Wendy is a THOUSAND times better.
I hate him because;
1)He's egotistic
2)He thinks he's so great in singing
3)He thinks his English and Chinese is dead perfect
4)He thinks he's so handsome
5)He thinks he's so clever
6)He think people would actually WANT him, and proceeds to dance in what he assumes to be in a very handsome manner
8)Well, he sucks
9)He thinks he's so entertaining and people would waste S$300 for his lousy ten minutes performance
Okay, guys! I've found the PERFECT present for that hated enemy or teacher! Simply call this guy over! Do NOT use at funerals 'cause the dead might just jump out of their incineration baskets and start moaning in pain. You don't want that to happen, do you?
His English is TERRIBLE, even more so then Dawn Yang's. Wait, it's on the same level as Dawn Yang's. Or is Dawn Yang better?
He writes like a 5 year old and apparently hasn't heard about the most basic rules of grammar. He has not even heard of the past, present or future tense.
"Beated". Wow, a mistake that only a primary one school kid just having started in English Language could make. What makes you think you are better then the Shanghainese in Shanghai, Steven Lim? At least they can speak a multitude of perfect Chinese and other forms of Chinese. YOU can't even talk coherently in Chinese OR English.
In your video, Wanbao, please sue Wendy Cheng aka xiaxue, you wrote the title with Chinese words intersecting the english words. Now that's a big no-no in the linguistic world. Geez, you are 20+ years older then me, surely YOU should know that?
For you information, an official fan website is made by
fans. You must be a pathetic loser, for no one, no fan, had made a site for you. You made the website yourself, so you can't call it a fan website, you egotistic loser.
As for that fiasco in Singapore Idol, what do you have to be proud of? The fact that you stripped in front of the camera, in front of four judges, and probably the whole of Singapore, down to your yellow underpants, singing she bangs? You think you are very cool, but you aren't .
You have scarred many young minds that night. Have you no shame nor modesty? It is a family show, for God's sake. Kindly do NOT expose your body since I am bloody NOT interested.
I would like to say, Steven Lim, that you are a goofy, sissy idiot. Hell, you run like one too, with hands flapping around like fans. That's not attractive, it makes me want to puke.
Lastly, your so called self-opinionated "amazing beatbox singing" Unfortunately for you, Steven, you don't have very good vocals. Your singing was horribly out of tune and I can't bloody hear the lyrics. Did you drink too much alcohol that night? Were you singing in Chinese, Italian, English, Hokkien, Greek, Latin or German?
You probably think I'm a coward now, not coming directly to speak with you. Sadly, I don't know where you live, nor are you my neighbour (Heavens forbid) because if I had known, I would like to tell this in your face, to make the insult sting.
P.S. If you want to show off your chest, please visit the gym nearby for some good workout. You appeared to be lacking in abs and a well-defined chest.
P.P.S Kindly brush up your vocabulary to include proper english words to insult a person. Being called a "chicken pie" isn't very insulting, but rather, it makes one hungry.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 4:45 PM
NOT happy
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Yes, I am NOT happy.
I am sick, tired and am banned from chocolate. Could life get any worse?
Other then the nice MC then the doctor so kindly provided, excusing me from two weeks of PE and therefore not letting me run, I AM SICK, AND IT AIN'T ENJOYABLE.
Aside from the 2901 words English essay I typed last night for approxiamtely two hours, which was 11.604 times more then the required amount of words (250 words), definately the english teacher won't be too happy at the length, which was seven pages in total.
The barley water I drank last night only served to attract ants when I left it on the office table. Now it is currently INFESTED with those annoying pests, which means I OBVIOUSLY wo't be bringinng up any fruit to eat while working, for convenience's sake.
Speaking of pests, there's this pest who think very highly of himself, and speaks of his numerous merit awards in front of me, like I haven't got any. Hmm, that's kinda true, I don't have any, because mine are almost all distinction and the remainder high disctinctions.
Unfortunately, I don't think those certificates helped in DSA. Oh well. At least I can show off to bakas who think they are wise.
Sorry for future use of japanese here, I think I've been reading too much fanfiction.
Anyway, the topics they make us do for compositions in Secondary one are incerdibly mundane with no space for creativity.
At least if you ask me to write 'A view from a High Place' I can write, right? There's many ways I can develop the story. But nooo, they want us to write about the time I and my friends went to a forest and camped, then got lost. Describe what we found in the forest.
Okay, so you can write a good story from there. Maybe it's just that I am able to write essays of incerdible length when it's slightly harder, but not when it's easy.
Last Sunday, I went to Xiao Yu's house and took a look at her English textbook (Hey, I was bored, and was hoping for some good comprehension passages) but guess what I found?
Every chapter is focused on a specific topic, e.g. medical, internet, etc. And there are also VOCABULARY LISTS that, apparently, every student has to learn.
I nearly fainted from shock, as the words there are astonishingly simple, I knew them when I was in primary 5. (No offense Xiao Yu).
Stuff like 'radiation' and 'going green', you know.
Or the meaning of 'coy'?
Geez, read more english books. I'm already reading Jane Austen. (Get the mordern version, don't get the old one or you'll have a hell of a time trying to figure out what she means.)
Or, damn those classics and read some mordern ones, hopefully with no objectionable content.
Or just ditch those 'cheem' books and read
Memoirs of a Geisha, which, though has no amazing vocabulary, I did learn a lot of using metaphors.
Speaking of vocabulary, my father asked me if I knew the word 'aura', which obviously I did, SINCE I JUST USED IT EARLIER IN MY ESSAY.
People can be so blind.
I realise that, if you are good at a language, say, english, you will normally tend to enjoy such ''cheem' books. If you aren't you will detest them and mock them.
I know because it's the same with my chinese.
I hated the way how they talked about their feelings, of love and friendship, and crap on. Urgh. JUST GET TO THE POINT, DAMNIT!
The head of HCL epartment was in a very toot dress today. Need a fashion consultant, m'dear? Hey, I shouldn't be asking you, you'll be embarrassed. It's okay, dear, just sit back for a makeover.
A makeover in attitude will be nice as well.
When it rained this afternoon, I kept praying that a certain person would get struck by lightning. I was very much disappointed when it didn't happen.
And I found this poem by someone who wrote under the penname of AellaWind. I thought it was, so true!
Love is a game
just meant to be played.
Love is a phrase
just overly clichéd.
It's dominated by cheaters,
players, and rule-breakers.
Where three words often said
are lies spoken by fakers.
Love is an emotion
and hormones are the cause.
Love is perfection
that brings out your flaws.
Young ones are swayed
into believing that it's real.
Soon concious of mistakes,
next fear is what you feel.
Love is a wish
desired by many loners.
Love is a sight
shown off by its owners.
It's a sad pathetic world
when love is only wanted,
for the sake of having it,
and for it to be flaunted.
Love is a drug,
addictive and strong.
Love is a toy.
and you're strung along.
The endings are painful,
yet again you will start,
to end with more lies and tears,
and another cruelly broken heart.
Love is a reason
to be treated like dirt.
Love is an excuse,
an excuse to get hurt.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 4:20 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Well, it's amazing how much some people can be idiots at some times.
lah, you want to tag leave your names. And BTW anonymous, Let's just put it this way--I'm really impressed by your, um, strong command of the English language. For the sake of fun, let's put this on my blog. I have nothing better to do anyway, and reading about quantum physics on a daily routine is boring the brains out of me. I needed some entertainment.
anonymous-chanel: then let me ask you if you have put anywhere your name. your name is not even written in your profile column. this obviously shows that you dont knoe how to edit a template...STUPID
Further details can be viewed at the
THAT was your answer to my comment? Aw. I won't deny that I thought you of having much higher intelligence and would give me a better response, but, yeah, I'm sorry for thinking that you were much smarter then that.
Well, let me tell you something. You were an amusing toy, 'anonymous'. It's fun to play around with your emotions and anger and scoff at your pathetic attempts to flame my friend and me, but frankly, it's getting...boring.
Well, I DO know how to edit a template... actually, you are the one that aren't thinking. If not, then why the hell
would the tagboard, the message, and the classics even been in the column?
Read Digital Times before,
mon idiote? Did you know that there are perverts who target people my age? Thank you very much, but I'm pretty much contented with my life now and have no intention whatsoever then being raped.
Admittedly, my efforts had gone to waste, considering that my friends link me by my name, so therefore, everyone knows my name.
Until this entry, has it ever crossed your small brain only capable of hurling (weakly, if you permit me to add) rather....bland invectives, that I had not wanted to disclose my identity?
Why else did you think I addressed myself as
noite? In a situation of anger, most people are likely to proclaim their names. But I didn't.
Erm, wait a second. Let me ask you something for now. Did you even PASS your English, go to a SAP school, or read great literary works by classic authors of all time? (I'm not referring to Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings, I'm talking about authors like Jane Austen.)
Did you have a past feud with the caps lock? It seems that you are reluctant to type properly and use it when necessary. Are you afraid it might, I don't know, bite your fingers off, drain your blood, dig out your eyeballs, curse you into oblivion,
et cetera?
I hope that you will buy yourself a dictionary (Hell,. I'll even
sponsor a good Cambridge dictionary for you myself) since you so obviously need it more then a China student does. (No offence whatsoever to any china students.) Perhaps even learn when to shut up? It's an amazing thing called maturity. I know I'm not mature, because, there's no merit in doing so for me.
I hope you stop tagging. I know you don't like me, but doesn't that mean you read my entries as well? Oh my god! How flattering! For my works to be read by people (Even the crass, unpleasant ones)and much debated about!
Well, people who read my works and like me and people who don't like me but still read my works religiously, I hope you enjoy your stay here. And please, don't ever come again, you abhorrent pest. Go spam other's
tagboard, because I really HAVE to update my stories without any distractions now.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 4:04 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Now someone was requesting an update, and who am I to refuse such a request?
Okay,okay, I know, I should finish my fanfiction as soon as possible. But I'm being clogged by homework coughcoughwhichimnotdoingcoughcough *ahem* nothing.
I put in a song in the blog, as an answer to a suggestion made by an anonymous person (how cliched) .
I hope that Ms. Yew (NO, it's NOT a typo, I swear) marks the essays and return them to us as soon as possible. I wonder how much I got. As usual, I did not even bother to do preliminary research of any kind.
Another thing to add to my hate list: stupid stories which keep repeating sentences over and over again like a broken tape recorder.

Oh my god.
Then again, who cares?
Another item to add to my hate list. Geez, it's growing longer by day.
If one does not believe what I say, then shut the fuck up and don't waste you breath in saying, 'I don't believe.' That's purely your own opinion and as far as I am concerned, I am telling the truth, so I, sadly, pretty much can't manipulate the situation.And ahem.
Does that mean...I have bad taste?
*starts to faint from shock*
I'm gonna change!!!
Magick de minuit fonce @ 8:18 PM
Dear spammer
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Good Afternoon. This is the owner of the blog, meia-noite. I'm afraid by some twist of fate, you spammed the wrong blog.
That's when your luck took a downturn.
Well, I suppose you must be a bored loser attention-starved puppy seeking attention when you spammed my tagboard. Do you understand english? I hope you do. If not, I can transalate this to french or italian if you prefer, mon idiote.
Well, that some very
fine language you have there, eh? Learn the wonders of english language, you mandungus.
I repeat. I am meia-noite and you got the wrong blog. I have to state that I do not appreciate idiots in the least, though they put us self-proclaimed geniuses on the 'clever' list.
I assumed you were bad in English(and probably english lit as well) as you obviously can't tell the differences in our styles of writing. Tsk tsk. How DID you pasas your english?
Do I writelike I am from Damai?(No offence BBF Xinyi) I have a proud PSLE score of 253. Want a battle of wits?
I look extremely forward to exposing your pathetic self for trying to insult my friend. Hiding behind a computer screen to spam tagboards. Tsktsk. No courage at all.
Go get a real life, man. I shan't devote this blog space on yopu because it is a pure waste of my time and blog space=)
P.S.:Sorry to those who have to qitness this little fight. Those whom are not concerned, kindly pretend that it never happened. Thank you.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 2:50 PM
Dark chocolate
Friday, July 06, 2007
You are Dark Chocolate |
 You live your life with intensity, always going full force. You push yourself (and others) to the limit... you want more than you can handle. An extreme person, you challenge and inspire the world! |
At least I'm not white chocolate........see my friend, xinyi's blog for other references.
Although I admit that the questions asked are outrageous. I quote, 'What is your flirting style?'
I don't even flirt.
Besides, Dark chocolate is the greatest thing ever. It's chocolate in its purest form, with 70+% cocoa, not like that milk chocolate you are munching on right now that has 15% cocoa.
Not to mention that dark chocolate is good for the heart.
I think I'm getting a bit of sore throat right now, no thanks to the huge slices of mango I devoured for dessert. Jeez, I should learn to be less greedy from now on.
But fruit is organic.=)
I think I'm getting too lazy for my own good--I'm thirsty, but I'm wayy too lazy to move my butt from the computer chair down to the kitchen just for a measly glass of water.
Another super-short entry. I think that I'll have to get used to it.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 9:07 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
.will be used to censor any vulgarities (if I'm hardworking and actually bother to do it) or used when appropriate. Thank you.
Yes, it has been yet another exhausting day. If you have a problem about that, kindly go and ask the butcher to chop off your head for supper.
Today had been a true

. I have decided now to adopt this avatar under the name
meia-noite, so if you rip, I'll rip your brains out since you don't need them for any thinking or creativity.
Our teacher-in-charge, Mr Muladi, wasn't present (or at least I and my friends didn't see him today.) Our lovely seniors, excluding a headstrong female with attitude problems (shall be known hereafter IN THIS POST as A.P. girl), decided to organise a scavenger hunt. Which is kind of stupid, considering they want us, IT club people, the gathering of intellectual minds to improve the future of info comm and technology, to
run around and get sweaty instead of working at the computers.

When one boy in our group asked if he could don't play, the AP girl still forced him to play. If we don't want to play, that's our opinion. Respect it lah!
So that's how I, Learning, Angelica, Zi Han, Henry, and some weird guy with AP problems whose name I don't know ended up in a group. (Wow, IT Club sure
is full of contains some people with physcological problems...)
The items we had to find were rather retarded. A particular thing I remembered was to get 3 signatures of teachers from different departments. We harassed the poor teacher who was buying drinks in the canteen. Poor teacher....
If you are thinking that we are actually very enthusiastic about this, I must assure you that your are completely and totally wrong. We basically sat around, waiting for time to pass.
Then I went up to the robotics room where the bags were kept and discovered the door was LOCKED.
A true

. , indeed. Considering that my HANDPHONE, a recently-purchased Nokia N73 was in my bag.
Luckily someone had the key, if not then I won't know how to explain things to my mum.
Mr Muladi had better come next week, even if I did spell his name wrongly in this entry.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 9:15 PM
Annoyed and exhausted
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Today is a truly gruelling and tiring day.
A complete
fiasco.First, the timetable I was holding onto (week 2 timetable) was printed from the WRONG link and it was (obviously) inaccurate. So, sadly, have P.E. Heaven wasn't feeling kind today to give me a break, so I HAD TO RUN THE BLOODY 2.2 KILOMETERS IN MY FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM.
A true

. Now that isn't rude, that's simply kawaii!
In the afternoon at 2:15 p.m., I got extra I.T. Club meeting. The sms sent to us from Shawn, the assistant group leader states:
There will be a meeting next Tuesday at 2.15 p.m. com lab 4,please try to make it and help spread the message around, if u have the time, it would be a big favour if you can aid our designer chanel in designing the 3 website drafts, i have put her in charge and please cooperate with her, thanks a million!Lets do this
I hope that by now you realise there are two sides to a message: A nice, polite side and the hidden meaning. Wanna see the translation?
"Got meeting, make sure you attend. Come on time and let Chanel do all the work while we just be her aid in technical problems"
Which is what most of them did. THANKS Zi Han, Learning for helping me out though! Especially Learning, she helped me think of new ideas. Zi Han mostly helped with the dream weaver software. THANK YOU BOTH!
No offence Shawn if you are reading this, and other IT club members that...... didn't really cooperate. Although the likelihood is extremely small.
Magick de minuit fonce @ 5:36 PM